About Lanisaz
The Lair

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Manga 2


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To make a short summary of my life, I'll use this little spot of mine. ^^
My past times, besides studying and to draw, I'm practising Karate, Scuba Diving and in the summer I blade a lot.Besides that I'm into videogames (believe it or not ^^) and the most common type of music I listen too are groups like Metallica,, Creed, Silverchair and music from mostly anime-soundtracks and such.
Other than that I read a lot of fantasy, mostly written by Margareth Weis and Tracy Hickman, and some manga too by Yu Watase, Akira Toriyama and Saki Hiwatari to mention a few of them.

The odd person to your right, is Lanisaz IRL. ^^

Lanisaz's second homepage of work:
The Haven