The Lair
The Lair

About Lanisaz


What's New Page


Manga 2


Favorite Sites

Contact Lanisaz

Guest Book Page

Welcome to my Lair
This is a small site containing images of the two main interests I have: Dragons and manga.The pics that are showed on this site do I make hand drawn and/or computer, in either ink or pencils and I would like that you wouldn't copy or take any of them without my permission.But besides that enjoy the site and please write comments or hellos in my Guest Book. ^^

On this area I'll be writing down some of the news that has been to update on this site.

Keep watch. ^^
New pictures
I'm updating this site as often as possible with new pictures so keep an eye out for new ones.

These are going to end up with the others so just click on the tab for them and have a look.

Fly freely on the golden wings of the dragon.

Have a pleasant visit...