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The Great and Nothing

A picture that contains the four elements and the great of everything and nothing.
For some time ago a person even wanted this one tattooed on his back, but didn't have the money to do so. Sad really. ^^

The Cry with Beauty
A picture (to your right) that might not be in full detail on some spots. This was mainly caused by my scanner, which couldn't by some odd reason get it right. For example, the small details below the dragon's tail, is supposed to be water, dripping down from its tail from the egg.
Nonetheless, I hope it will do anyhow.^^
Fushigi Yugi
A picture I actually animated on one of Microsoft's oldest versions of Paint, of one of the characters in the anime Fushigi Yugi. ^^
One of the main characters in a fantasy-serie I love; The Death Gate Cycle. Haplo. I know we all have different images of the persons in books and such, but I decided to give you mine of him.

Lanisaz in aquarelle
This is the whole Lanisaz in full colour! ^^
Actually this one and the one at Manga 2 are two of the first I've done in aquarelle for about 1 year now...*smiles surpriced* and it turned out quite good I think. ^^

Two Unique Friends
A light picture of some of the main characters within a book called T.U.F. (as listed above)

The book is not yet finished because of the fact that I'm still writing on it though...^^
Majora's Mask
....*no comments*
A picture containing various elements and mysteries from within my mind. ^^

A childish image of Shion from PSME.^^
The name by the way on the image is the one spelled in Indonesian so the spellings are both right in a way. ^^
Two minds
A picture that started out as a "doodle" on one of my math pages during a lunch break. (yes I know I'm an odd person...^^) But yet it turned out like this.....*thought*