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Three faces
A picture I found quite interesting over time. It represents three faces of all and nothing within this world, like guardians. Why? That's the thing I really don't know. *smiles somewhat*
Well, this one surely turned out differently compared to how I was expecting it too...*smiles amused*
As said in many diaries on the net, I expected as much when drawing manga as this, so yeah, it became somewhat as a beginner for hentai. Something I didn't expect it as in the first place. But it turned out pretty good to be a beginners thing, or what do you say? *wonders amused*
A quick draw with a black ink-looking pencil. *laughs* But I'm quite satisfied with it, but the pants do look a little bit TOO baggy and well he became a little bit short too(!).^^ *laughs*
Dear Diary
Yes this was the follow-up to the Manga-girl *laughs* but the proportional things on this one isn't very right I know, but the fact that I did do it in a buss driving on the Autobahn, well yeah, then I think I have somewhat an excuse for the mistakes. Especially since I was drawing directly with ink. O.o *gah*^^ I'll do better next time, I promise!!
A great character from an anime I love, called Fushigi Yugi. Nonetheless the young emperor Hotohori. He's quite a masterpiece made originally by Yu Watashe. I just love her work.
This picture, somewhat of an samurai-girl or in its liking anyhow,...*smiles* I find it quite good for being done with some very bad colouring pencils that I had at my grandma's house. *smiles amused* But yeah, it turned out pretty good, and well here's the result!^^